Meltphace 8

Thumbnail of the map 'Meltphace 8'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author -LordOfPeanuts-
Tags action author:-lordofpeanuts- playable unrated
Created 2009-10-13
Last Modified 2009-10-13
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description probably cheatable..

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I Wanna Go To Brainville!' Thumbnail of the map 'A Million Light Years From Me...' Thumbnail of the map 'King Bug Laughs' Thumbnail of the map 'Kaini Industries' Thumbnail of the map 'My New Book' Thumbnail of the map 'The Secret Word'
I Wanna Go To Brainville! A Million Light Years From Me... King Bug Laughs Kaini Industries My New Book The Secret Word


Pages: (0)

faster speedrun, COOL tiles
Demo Data

quite a nice map

that launch pad annoys me. Fun to agd I got quite close but then got gunned down couldn't get the death demo cause it was on nreality saddly here's a completion
Demo Data

You know

its MeltPhace 6?


I thought you were dumb.............................................. :P

oh hahaha

ummm.... just kidding


run around. u'll figure it out
n just starts at the exit and you can't do anything.

Check it.

ti kcehC.

no wait ...

sent tiles


This was pretty slow anyway, but then I died. This is the correct path for an AGD though... I'm pretty sure I didn't accidentally cheat (sometimes with maps like these it's hard to tell)
Demo Data

= _ =

Fine, we'll can do one some other time...


. .
= _ =
You up for it?