Comments on "A Room Full of Junk"

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Yes, some of those mines are the ones you placed.


that agd demo is teh sex


that looks like a freakin DDA...that corner thwump jump towards the end was sick!!
and i'd buy tickets for it. twice.


you bounced off a single bouncyblock 4 times before bypassing it... FOUR!

wow ^^


I made a type of map like this a while ago, didnt post it, and forgot about th eidea. however, this map is one amazing map! Those are some very cool tricks things that you did, just awesome...

after submitting, and then 5aving, im watching it again ^^


My username is supposed to be The Real One. but I didnt capitalize it when I made the account like 5 years ago.

There Alone sounds so emo...

your user name could be "the real one" or "there alone"... i like it :P


@Coolkid559 FBF means Frame By Frame.

@Izzy I tried to put on it but it didn't really fit with the flow. If this map goes over well I will make some more of these and BBCJ will be in the next one. Couldn't put all of the tricks in. lol.

@Kool Nice run down =D

@Miststalker Thanks!


:O!! 5/5 FOR THAT RUN! Holy crap!


yeah that's cool
Demo Data

hehe, <3

htcj -> bbbwj -> 8-tile wj -> bbbwj -> thwump kick -> corner shove -> tdcj -> 8-tile jump -> bbbwj -> wj -> ldcj -> 4-tile triple -> thwump wj -> dodged a mine by one pixel :o -> perfect three jump chimney -> 2-tile reverse cj -> one-way wj -> td jump to a single 4-tile wj -> quad bbwj -> ndcj -> thwump cornerkick -> 3-tile shove to gain speed to jump -> lp -> FINISH

I didn't see a

BBCJ. Overall, sweet. It's like watching a DDA.

whats FBF?

Still its amazing 5/5

Thanks Guy =D

I tried to make it look pretty, and i tried to make the map playable even with out fbf or my crazy route. But I really wanted to show NUMA some crazy tricks all in one sequence.

Even in fbf,

that's an amazing run o__O
Presumably you built the map around the intended route? It's very well constructed as a showcase of the various tricks you pulled off.


thats the most craziest thing i have seen. 5/5 thats just pure skill and very inventive

AGD demo

Yes, I did use FBF to make this demo, but I still think it is absolutely crazy. If you are new to trick in this game you may have to watch the run a few times to realize what is going on.
Demo Data