Silicon Challenge 2.0

Thumbnail of the map 'Silicon Challenge 2.0'

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Author joshgiscool
Tags author:joshgiscool challenge nreality nrealityv6d4 objectmod rated rockets
Created 2009-11-08
Last Modified 2009-11-08
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description nreality recommended.
goal: disable rockets.
somewhat hard; but you can handle it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Chaos Star' Thumbnail of the map 'Bet You Forgot About These.' Thumbnail of the map 'Silicon Challenge' Thumbnail of the map '.8ball Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'The Colony's Prisioner' Thumbnail of the map 'Chill Challenge'
Chaos Star Bet You Forgot About These. Silicon Challenge .8ball Challenge The Colony's Prisioner Chill Challenge


Pages: (0)

I see yall's perspective, really.
i only have two problems with changing it.
One, it'd unfair to screw up izzy's ridiculously awesome demo. Really. Check it out.
Two, zero-turn radius honestly seemed just too easy. i only post a challenge if it has a high difficulty level; without turning, the map would just be a hard one.

Agree with zthing. Zero turnrate would make it less of an annoyingly hard map, to a fun action map. 3/5. 4/5 with the turn change.


for coolness. I could use a few myself. Cough.


you ze man


ok, it's public now^


cough cough

rate me ^^

Normal N demo:

I'm scared to try it in Nreality.
I quite like it without the mods, with seems scary. Izzy's demo is awesome.
Demo Data
but i gotta play randoms map ;D

the challenge was very exciting and heartbreaking. I had an awesome demo with a ton of close calls but didnt survive to the end. =( Nreality like to 'delete' all my good demos and I never see them.

Very exciting... wait i said that already =P Very energetic, I like what you do with nreality =D

Demo Data

Cool Challenge

Too many missiles for my machine. Even so, I reckon I might not be able to do this level anyway.


you're a boss. (see profile)
Demo Data

lol, true


what kind of challenge would that be? ;D

cool, but 0 turn rate would be better imo