
Thumbnail of the map 'Frontier'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author im_bad_at_N
Tags author:im_bad_at_n collab grn ibanrace race rated
Created 2009-11-08
Last Modified 2010-07-25
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description A collab with GRN.

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Puzzles' Thumbnail of the map 'Speedy Delivery' Thumbnail of the map 'To kill two birds' Thumbnail of the map 'Tunnels Galore' Thumbnail of the map 'Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Escape'
Puzzles Speedy Delivery To kill two birds Tunnels Galore Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown Drone Escape


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faster cheat

suck it earlier me.
Demo Data
famous user here on N.U.M.A. - you see PALEMOON's maps go rated within 2 minutes following their submission. I hate that thing here on N.U.M.A. It's like a prejudice that my maps are bad, because no one knows me. :/

Faster demo

Demo Data

Well, Yanni did warn me once, and that was two days before my ban. And what did I post on the "Do You Trust Anyone On Here?" forum that you think might have been the cause?

Umm...I honestly don't remember. Can't you go to my profile on the forums and check that out?

Hey, you know how you commented on this [] earlier? Well I was wondering if you could post something on the forums about it, see what the admins have to say for themselves. Whaddaya say?


I think our map

is ready to be subbed


hahahaha watch the demo XD
Demo Data
it looked really messy... and played sorta messy...

though still enjoyable to play. 3.5v


The one-ways broke the flow and the launchpad didn't work for me. Nonetheless, it was mildly enjoyable.
but my point is-it shouldn't happen

very cool one-ways

mines looked a bit messy and out of place. I'm not a good judge on flow since I don't really like races, soo...4/5


Demo Data

cool race

strange things can happen...
Demo Data

Gold is and looks terrible. There seems to be no theme, and tiles are a bit messy. Flow was good.
3.5/5 :)

Agd demo

wow avatarfanatic, josh , nice trap... didnt know that was possible.

@ matty, that didnt happen with me a lot, its easy to avoid.

Thanks everyone =]
Demo Data


this cheat took forever to pull off
Demo Data
and other objects, and at the start this often happens(see demo). Also, I didn't really like the gold delay. The gold itself was quite simplistic and in my opinion didn't really fit the theme.
Demo Data

nice race

i really like the drone. 5/5
i got trapped in the demo =P
Demo Data
This, does have some nice close calls but I can't keep up with the speed and precision (generally my issue with races, that and genericness) :/
Demo Data

the problem

is me, for the record. ;_;

pretty nice

and i like how freakin complicated it is. o_o
only prob: (demo)
Demo Data