
Thumbnail of the map 'test1'

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Author N-Reality
Tags author:n-reality chaingun hard test unrated
Created 2009-11-15
Last Modified 2009-11-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description its a test to see if people can beat this. then ill make a level.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Climbing with Guasses' Thumbnail of the map 'Trenches' Thumbnail of the map 'Balance' Thumbnail of the map 'Dodge n Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Top is better then down' Thumbnail of the map 'Tragedious'
Climbing with Guasses Trenches Balance Dodge n Run Top is better then down Tragedious


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If you want to make player start the map by bouncing, bury a little part of ninja into the tile. Sorry for my crappy English, but i can explain it if you want. Also, you can ask me whatever you want (by posting a message to anyone of my maps).

I see you didn't do it as a map. You just want to see is it possible.
It was funny for me to search a way to beat it. I couldn't, and so i copied from karmap0lice ^^ But i couln't beat him
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of course it's possible, playtest your maps instead of spazzing chainguns and hoping for the best
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i won't rate it... but it is not really good -.-

just not good..
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check the forums to see how to make good maps
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you cant just walk straight,