1-3 DDA

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Author redhotbananapeppers
Tags author:redhotbananapeppers dda map-pack rated
Created 2009-11-18
Last Modified 2009-11-18
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description this took me a really long time to make, sad to see how short it was... :/ anyways, enjoy!

Other maps by this author

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hello 1-1 Fun with Gausses 1-2 Cubism


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dda take FOREVER to make
my ddas took 3-4 hours each
check them out ;)
You relied too much on using trapdoors to block the rocket, and even then the rocket never got close to the ninja. The whole map felt devoid of any action whatsoever.

No Rating

its pretty nice

wish it was longer though. anyways keep up the good stuff
Not great, not alot or close calls or any real action. It was rather boring to tell the truth. Check out my last 2 maps, bothe of which are DDA's they both took about 2-3 hours each and are lot longer lol.

Cheated run lol.
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