
Thumbnail of the map 'друг'

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Author mahi_mahi
Tags author:mahi_mahi race rated
Created 2009-11-23
Last Modified 2010-03-12
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description race for u.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'преследовать' Thumbnail of the map 'СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО: УЖЕ В ПРОДАЖЕ' Thumbnail of the map 'Рыба' Thumbnail of the map 'Конверсия Бегун.' Thumbnail of the map 'П' Thumbnail of the map 'чувства'
преследовать СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО: УЖЕ В ПРОДАЖЕ Рыба Конверсия Бегун. П чувства


Pages: (0)

Agree with Sunset

Screw the flow, I refer my way ;D
Demo Data

Screw the flow

where's the ninja?!

I agree with boonie

some nice, unique flow

nice flow

if there's a race tag...

holy crap

that is some unorthodox flow.

sweet stuff, now I know where it is!

<3 Can you play my new race?

Nice style.^^

Some parts of the race felt not good enough playtested; e.g. in the middle of the 4th path there's this bounceblcok and normally I would jump back immedietly after getting the gold, but the thwump is in the way... So I've to wait and jump a little later. :/
Also the 5th path was a little annoying because you've to do two walljumps at the first two trap doors. One walljump doesn't work, you don't reach the launchpad and so you've to slow down extremely for these two walljumps.
... And the rocket makes it very hard to get the last part right, too. :P

... Well, those are the main things I didn't like, but what I did like were the 1st, 2nd and 3rd path; they were awesome (the bounce blcok was cool) :]... The look is also pretty nice, I like how it looks like an action map.

... Maybe you should try to use a little less launchpads next time and playtest a bit more for preventing things like I listed at the top of this comment... Your races are something special and you should work on them ^^
Demo Data


no u


can you show me a demo?