My first map

Thumbnail of the map 'My first map'

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Author Allinator
Tags 1 author:allinator rated
Created 2009-11-28
Last Modified 2009-11-28
by 27 people.
Map Data

Description it isnt messy it is artistic


Pages: (3) [ 1 ] 2 3


The only real rules of mapping are that you only use one ninja and you don't hide objects, but those don't even hold water sometimes.

It sucks that you left but I'm not surprised, with your first map turning into a battleground of mutually assured destruction. I hope you come back someday.
I admire your opinion about making maps that you like that may or may not conform to other peoples' beliefs. Hope to see more from you soon :D
Meta_oinka (previous accounts)
Plan to stay until I get married... but even then I may stay.
Gloomp and Riobe are examples. And me, obviously. :D

I've been here almost a year now, and I'd be glad to help with any problems or issues you have, or even to make your stay more enjoyable. :D

hmm, relisted, now I can give it a rating
And an insane amount of flaming here.

Let me tell you a story. Many people come here, some for weeks, others months, and a few stay for years. Many enjoy mapping, and feel proud when people like their maps or take criticism well and improve.

There are others, however, who hate criticism and never improve. Instead, they change style constantly and always make the same mistakes.

Your map here shows great potential. You can craft a nice little map, even if the one-ways are a bit spammed. I hope you do improve, and I shall play your newer maps now.

Thanks for reading, and welcome to NUMA!
Demo Data


it has been relisted!


oh right you too

I like it.

oh my god

what the fuck you guys what the fuck

I hate everyone ever but Leaff and this Allinator guy

When is

this going to be relisted?

i completely agree

with both of leaff's comments.
welcome to numa :)

Leaff, was that

last addition necessary?

And guys, this was so far from a debate. It was assholes yelling at assholes.

I'm terribly sorry for all of this shit that happened. Although the outcome of this map wasn't great imo, I think you're decision to just make what you like is pretty admirable, but you might get even more stuff like this. :/
And by the way, Meatpuppet always has been and probably always will be a massive asshole. Don't be offended and leave, please. I'd really like to see what else you can do.

Enjoy your time here, and do your best to ignore the assholes. See you around.

I like


I is here too

Faved for the

battle of words.


It's been delisted but I'm still here.
to find delisted maps, Also Allinator this map has been mentioned on my profile for having the best heated debate of the year.


are* not is...


Sorry about Meatpuppet.

Anyways, I really enjoyed this, even though it was kinda 'nooby' (random gold/trapdoors), yet it had suprisingly good gameplay. 3.4/5 rounded down.

I got all the gold. To watch my demo, go to debug (mapmaking) mode, copy my demo into the demo box, press 3, Q, then P. Enjoy!
Demo Data

Oh ok

didnt see that thanks toasters
Why am I punished for the wrongs of others? How did this get delisted?

Sorry Allinator.

I'll have to delist this while we deal with all the crap. I'll relist afterwards.
Sorry dude. Have a 5 because of the hassle. I'm sorta glad you delisted it.

@Riobe: Fights are still fun

come on guys...

here is a few tips, near all 'E' tiles (usually) never work. Plus hiding objects is (usually) in poor taste... But the rest is decent. Sorry for the outright rudeness. I apologize. I on the other hand love Atob! I love his symmetric-ness. plus his outright ability just make great maps. I know he isn't perfect but no need to even remotely hate on him, his work far surpasses most, so lay off. Please. And on the topic of fighting, what is the point of getting so upset about a newbie's map? Usually it's either, you suck or your an M.A. There is no need to overly criticize him...just leave it alone please...thank you.

Can he get banned?

Just wondering.


Meatpuppet has been an ass for a long, long time, but because we RCE'd each others' maps during our early days, I continually stood up for him. However, I did tell him that even I was getting pissed off at him, and then he turned around and started blaming me.

So just so you know, this isn't the person that I am; this situation just requires special attention from my perspective :/

ZTHING, shut up.

maxson924, as I've already told you flaming won't help out anything, so don't go making the situation any worse than it already is. D:<

This has gone from normal comments to flaming to spam to flaming again. God damnit people, just play the fucking map. D:

agreed zthing :D