Comments on "My first map"

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Hush Meatpuppet

I'll only let you yell at me like that... or people with 10+ maps.
and this is not art, i've seen better toddler shit. this is a crap map. work on it next time.
Sorry. You think that if it was SMC, he would have cursed at somebody by now.
but i just checked, his account has been disabled. Still, the personalities don't fit (although it's not that hard to fake). But that doesn't matter. Whoever you are, so far I like you like this.
11 rates on my first map...

Whatever SMC is

it isn't.

Oh noz

it is SMC!


Your not wrong. Banjo yes, but it is a very interpretive banjo.


I've randomly generated better maps than this.
I'll rate it when the art debate ends.

lulz XD

I like you.
it turns out to be just a banjo! haha, brilliant.
If you did that it wouldn't be art because you wouldn't being doing it for the purpose of making art, you would be doing it to mess up your room and say "there, now tell me that's art." I would say no, of course, and it would definitely look bad. This is the same debate with modern art, really. Is a blue canvas art? I really want to say no, but that's mostly because someone got paid $5,000 to make a blue square and that's just dumb. I'm sure you've heard of people comparing toddler's scribbles to modern artists and so-called art experts not being able to distinguish between the two. But the point is that just because something is random does not mean it's not art. In this case, the pattern is the randomness, it's not just random to be random. Note how the central box for gameplay is connected by various pillars, some falling short, others not. The one-ways and trapdoors are in fact symmetric (not literally, but essentially). The gold is scattered out in twos and ones, etc. Point is, how do you convey the feeling of chaos in art? With chaos. Creating chaos out of non-chaos doesn't create the same thing, it just makes your room a mess. Get it? I'm not sure I always do either. But in other words, art is what it means to yourself, not other players on this site. I suppose that's essentially what I meant.
so I'll just restate my comment without considering art:

Gold was cool, tiles were decent enough, trapdoors are so-so, and the oneways looked hideous to me.

Overall, it's a good first map.
you win sir!
go to any modern art museum and it will have something that is anything and is called art. The point is, those anythings are still in the museums. Some people like them. I like the subtle fine touches in this map.

I don't completely agree with maxson about his definition of "art," but making a map that -you know- is messy and calling it art as an excuse seems really pathetic, to be honest.


it's a banjo


Good for your first map.
Demo Data


by your logic, I could trash my room, throw things around in a disorganized fashion, and call it art just because i feel like it. I'm all for art that has a subtle meaning, but it can't just be anything.
...actually I only made 2, but "though" in the title should be "thought" and "say" should be "saw." Yeah.
I thought it was very unique. I liked the trapdoors, I liked the gold placement, I liked the one-ways. It all created a refreshingly different and not at all ugly map. I could be wrong but I think you may be the mapper I've been waiting for :). The only problem i had was the one-way in the top-right which was kind of tricky to get past with the rocket. But then I say it as a puzzle and liked it... so nevermind, really. AGD:
Demo Data


If you want to call something art, it has to represent something, or have some sort of pattern, or fit some obscure analogy, etc.; it can't just be totally random.

I think the gold and tiles can be called art, but the extra trapdoors and oneways (ESPECIALLY the oneways) are just plain ugly and take out some of the aesthetic appeal :/
they are there for looks

Welcome to numa

Imo the best experimental mappers are those who know how to create fantastic maps, and therefore can create very unique concepts that are still fun to play. I don't think you can start off experimental... But I might be proved wrong if you turn out to be a prolific mapper...
I'd be happy for you to prove me wrong :D

twas good

but a bit too random. the trapdoors didnt really work well with the map being so random.


Welcome to NUMA

I don't get the trapdoors...
2 life demo.
Demo Data

The description made me laugh.


Demo Data


could be better
Demo Data
i thought the gold was satisfying

not that bad

try not to scatter gold - put it in clumps to make it more satisfying to collect. Interesting "artistic-ness"