Comments on "My first map"

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a Mod comes here and zaps us for spamming. But IDK.
I am trying to be mature, and telling you to quiet down nicely, but you aren't listening! Maybe it takes yelling for you to change Meat, but I on the other hand don't need it.
and no, we are pretty steady

other than the fact that he's an old black man

Which one?

the one about my brother or... the other one?

you seem a tad unleashing
and i don't need to judge, it just works no matter if you take advice easily or not

gratz Meatpuppet

My brother's engaged.
just kidding
Once again, you can't judge me based off other people.
slightly doubtful of their existance.
but im currently in a relationship


is there a girl in your life? ..or purhaps a lack of girl in your life?

clustershitsandfucksuptheass biotchez

First off, plz stop

Second, seeing as this is my FIRST map you don't know if I won't take advice given kindly or not. Don't judge me on past expierences.
Because I am slightly dubious about that...

One day a person started flaming my map and exposing every flaw. In detail. And he kept doing it for every map I made until I got better. That's how the world should work.


nice Meatpuppet, THAT WAS SO FUNNY! You get rolling on a rant and then suddenly post that... XD! that just made my day!
abstract art in N..
who can't handle anything. They always have to be polite, and never in your face. The world will never get better if everyone doesn't do anything. People have to do something. I always have to fucking yell at people who aren't doing it right because if I speak to them politely, they just shove it off their thick heads.
who can't handle anything. They always have to be polite, and never in your face. The world will never get better if everyone doesn't do anything. People have to do something. I always have to fucking yell at people who aren't doing it right because if I speak to them politely, they just shove it off their thick heads.


Why must you be such a shitload around new mappers? Let them map how they want, they'll just get better and better. I think this kid will rise above you eventually. If you want to critisize people, at least do it in a polite manner. Or for you, at least, try being alittle nicer to everyone on this community.

are you 5

ohhhhh u'll need to go to the doctor for that burn

the tiles are solid

but the rest is so-so. i like the door with the rocket under it. that was good, but the placement seems either random or just poorly thought-out. 3/5

I'll critisize them

on their map when they show that they can learn by themselves and use some common sense.

lulzwat Meatpuppet?

Toddler is 1-3 so you contradict urself.
that the map seemed spammy But the gameplay was well made. And although I do agree that sometimes this community should be less forgiving. The only way I got better was by people who offered kind advice. Not just yelling at them for being less than par. And also, the argument that a person should learn by looking at maps which have high ratings DIDN'T WORK FOR ME! Some people have to get REAL advice, or read this! [] That map is really the reason I got better at mapping.
don't slam random tiles and objects together, make a player and an exit, and call it a map. You think you are making a new "style" and being "innovative" but you aren't. You're just being stupid.


Although, I think this is above toddler.

you arrogant prick

im just telling him to make better maps
you guys are giving this a 4 and making him think this is good, which it isn't. He'll keep making shit maps.
Ignore Meatpuppet for your first few maps... He thinks that everyone should make 'perfect' maps or something... All I know is I hate him, but am envious of his mapping/playing skill.