Thumbnail of the map 'KHASH'

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Author Viil
Tags author:viil moa-reject unrated
Created 2009-12-18
Last Modified 2009-12-18
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Not submitting my 300th 'till Christmas.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Listen To Your Heart' Thumbnail of the map 'Ghettified' Thumbnail of the map 'I'am Deadlie' Thumbnail of the map 'Leafft and Raeght' Thumbnail of the map 'Coma.' Thumbnail of the map 'Viil'
Listen To Your Heart Ghettified I'am Deadlie Leafft and Raeght Coma. Viil


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It was not like that in your MOA version, for which I give 3/5.





I love /you/ berry much. <3

Actually, he may have been referring to Ichigo from Please Teacher/Twins.

Oh wait, they didn't.


Aww, someone took my picture off. ;_____;

Anyways, my internet is really messing up so I can't come on IRC as it keeps on cutting off. I'll be on tomorrow fo' sho'.


I <3 Bleach, but I've only seen 2 episodes. That's why i didn't know his name.

Ichigo is a character from Bleach.

He has a funny laugh.
They're all a pretty good quality. Even if you are going too fast. Although recently I've started to feel as though I'm slowing down, so it could just be me.

wtf is an Ichigo?

Or who?

"everybody will be to busy figuring out how their new 'do-dad' works. "

I don't make a map every 5 seconds like I used too.
From what I've seen it is almost as if you have a map on the hotpage 24-7. But I can tell your going to hate waiting to release your 300th... *Ichigo laugh*
if you are already at 300 maps.


challenging cant seem to get it!

My map... ?

#300... ?

Your starting...

your what?
everybody will be to busy figuring out how their new 'do-dad' works.