Where's the Track? 9
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Tags | author:avatar_fanatic door door-eerie dooreerie eerie rated trapdoor |
Created | 2009-12-23 |
Last Modified | 2010-03-22 |
Rating |
4 by 8 people.
Map Data | |
Description | Well, here it is. My 99th map. I tried to put in as many locked doors as possible (lol, can you tell?). I wouldn't recommend playing this in anything but edit mode. I gave you 30 pieces of gold, but that will just barely get you through the level, and only if you know the way. Anyway, tell me what you think! Click this link for the Where's the Track? series [nmaps.net].
-EDIT- An angered player noted that if you fall down at the very end, you die. So here is my warning: DON'T FALL STRAIGHT DOWN! WALL SLIDE TO THE DOOR! |
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until i reached the end. That is the worst ending I've ever seen, ever. If you fall straight down to the finish at the end you die! Please, please, please edit that ending so that there aren't any trap doors over the finish and it's just the key and door and this will be the best door eerie I've ever played. Very tricky to memorize, perfect amount of time, but the ending is just awful, especially after spending so long trying to beat it. K? :) Here's a completion:
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make 100th!
oh, ok.