
Thumbnail of the map 'SeaSculpture'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action apt1 author:guitar_hero_matt cahu rated starfish underthesea
Created 2009-12-24
Last Modified 2009-12-30
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Plans to reach the bottom of the oceans by tunnel didn't go to plan. After condemnation due to unsafe amounts of water pressure, the structure now stands as a nature reserve, holding a menagarie of deep sea life. Of course, this made the area all the more promising for starfish poachers.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Treehouse Robbery' Thumbnail of the map 'Missiletoe?' Thumbnail of the map 'Icicle Architecture' Thumbnail of the map 'SSS Released!' Thumbnail of the map 'Sanskrit' Thumbnail of the map 'Serendipity Isle'
Treehouse Robbery Missiletoe? Icicle Architecture SSS Released! Sanskrit Serendipity Isle


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I saw the thumbnail and was like,"Cahu!". 't is good, drone section up top was demanding, but it was all fun,.


A few maps by me you want to check out: []
This level revolves around the two things that ninjas care about most: gold and adrenaline. The gold, well, is pretty much a “duh.” Adrenaline, on the other hand, is what you want most. You’ll want to get as much speed as possible, even if it means hearing the uncanny sound of broken fog. With all this speed, momentum, and legerity, you may find some flow in this map. The rockets and tiles works so well together, it’s just incredible.

Now remember: if you don’t play this map and enjoy it, I will throw you into this dying world and trust me, you won’t be Will Smith.
With ‘For This I Bless You’, RX_Queen has managed to combine some of the most extraordinary gameplay with probably the most stylish tileset I’ve ever seen around here. He sais that he's a design student. Well, it shows.
Crawling through tunnels to reach a sky with diamonds (or gold, as you wish), whilst dodging some gausses or a single rocket has never felt more comfortable.

And for this, I bless him.
Its wet, dark and cold outside on a lonely autumns day, but a noise in the next room leads you astray...

"It's Raining", by revered author SkyRay []is not at all your average map. It's the kind of map that makes you think of sitting inside your room, looking out the window at the falling rain... Yes thats right - atmosphere. This map for me has accomplished this so far and beyond any other maps in the category, and is definitely worth recognizing.

"A small map, with a lot of space" could not be more spot on.


This is different.
Demo Data


I like it, it is very well thought out; and looks lovely.
This gets my 4, and deserves it.
touch the starfish because then they explode.... great.


This is great, I love the gold in particular.
Demo Data

nice map

i made one, can you check it out? its not as good as this one imo :P

looks very nice

the mine placement was obviously well thought-out
And worked around that. Hopefully I did it justice, taking some advice from Krusch's and Unconditional's comments on that map.