Twilight at Carbon Lake
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Author | seven_two |
Tags | author:seven_two deerhunter episodic featured rated stmappack |
Created | 2009-12-26 |
Last Modified | 2012-08-28 |
Rating |
4 by 31 people.
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Description | ... |
This map was featured on 2010-04-11
Twilight at Carbon Lake is the most atmospheric map you're ever going to play. Straight up. Every tile, every object, every sparse noise, is dedicated to the creation of a certain, specific mood, a heady concoction of dread silence and damp claustrophobia, under the moon, at twilight, on Carbon Lake. Don't be so sure you're alone. — gloomp
Other maps by this author
Case in point? []
it's very difficult to capture a feeling so obscure such as a single frame from Star Wars. so I will congradulate saven_two on what he has acheived here. instant 5ave. it's nice to see a map emphasize a quality that's hard to come by nowadays; I hope that the MoA people don't focus themselves too much on just gameplay and action, and just shut out maps that aren't fast-paced enough in actiony gameplay. because that would be a pretty careless thing to do.
And I can see it's episodic qualities, I just thought it wasn't engaging enough for MOA. But after some more reflection, I suppose this would be fine as a very early episode-opener.
Ironically, I recently took crap on MOA for just the opposite of this situation, when some people were rather panning a map as being too easy even though it was harder than this one here.
Ironically, I recently took crap on MOA for just the opposite of this situation, when some people were rather panning a map as being too easy even though it was harder than this one here.
Yeh Nexx.
But he also said it's sad it was rejected and acknowledges how well it would work as part of a pack.
I can't see MoA being very good if maps like this are rejected. Short and sharp little burst like this are essential if you want a diverse pack with gradual increases in tension.
I can't see MoA being very good if maps like this are rejected. Short and sharp little burst like this are essential if you want a diverse pack with gradual increases in tension.
if i had any say anyway lol
im just guest appearing :p
Map could go either way.
im soooo much more into unique gameplay, this isnt it. But if this could be placed into an episode of similar atmosphere, this map could play into a "calm before the storm" kind of idea. Has potential, no way you can just force this in tho
I like short, episode-opener maps at least as much as the next guy, but this is just too friggin' short. As Palemoon said, "It doesn't change the fact that the map consists of falling down twice and jumping about three times." And actually, you only jump once.
*echoes gloomp and thus also atob*
atob is right.
If Moa reject maps based on the principles below, then they're not looking at how maps like these would enhance episodes.
This is a /perfect/ episodic map, as a standalone it lacks, but the MoA pack is going to suffer a lot if you don't let maps like this through.
It's short, sharp, atmospheric certainly, and a perfect 0 for any early column. I honestly can't see you guys finding much better suited in that regard.
This is a /perfect/ episodic map, as a standalone it lacks, but the MoA pack is going to suffer a lot if you don't let maps like this through.
It's short, sharp, atmospheric certainly, and a perfect 0 for any early column. I honestly can't see you guys finding much better suited in that regard.
I am still of the same opinion
Being a MOA judge has taught me a great deal about valuing a map for what it is (length, difficulty, atmosphere, etc), but I just don't see anything special in this map at all. IMO it looks nice (except for the big trench in the center), but the gameplay is very limited. What atmosphere could come through is choked out by the shortness and the excessive gold. Again, not bad, just nothing special to me. 3/5
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I guess that..
MoA is more about good maps than everybody being represented with maps they choose themselves.
Alternatives such as each individual choosing which maps he will contribute with risks a incoherent map pack.
And I doubt that the situation would be much different if the all the MoA authors voted on each map, there would just be opinions which are less qualified (such as my own since I like most maps)..
The judges also take into account whatever comments are given by the non-judging authors, so I've heard (:
Alternatives such as each individual choosing which maps he will contribute with risks a incoherent map pack.
And I doubt that the situation would be much different if the all the MoA authors voted on each map, there would just be opinions which are less qualified (such as my own since I like most maps)..
The judges also take into account whatever comments are given by the non-judging authors, so I've heard (:
challenging enough to
do a decent AGD
well this was kind of a letdown
i suppose you can attach any amount of 'atmosphere' you want to it but it doesn't change the fact that the map consists of falling down twice and jumping about three times.
it is sad that it got removed from MoA though it would have been great for that. It's not a very good single map at all.
it is sad that it got removed from MoA though it would have been great for that. It's not a very good single map at all.
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Nicely episodic map.
Review full of hyperbole and broken promises.
Good review
Map wasn't for me
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That's okay gloomp
we all know I'm a great mapper
that all makes sense :P
i think i posted that after the fiftieth person had their dreams crushed from having a map rejected from MOA :P
I know it's old, yo
but Nexx is without a doubt the best judge we have. Who gives a shit what gets kicked out, really, because this means that instead of good maps in there, we only have /fucking fantastic/ maps.
I don't mind the judging (:
After all we voted for 8-2 instead of 7-3 so it's not that judging is necessarily that strict q:
I think it adds to the quality of the pack that only every 5 map or so gets in..
And it seems to me that the maps don't only have to be good, they also have to fit in? Maybe this was only good q:
I think it adds to the quality of the pack that only every 5 map or so gets in..
And it seems to me that the maps don't only have to be good, they also have to fit in? Maybe this was only good q:
Fastest AGD.
4aved, since I finished it before I blinked.
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Review of the past two months right there
fucking outstanding.
Thought of this while playing.

insanely addicting
I decided to play it.
and it plays well. 4/5
It's your review date.
I just hope you didn't completely forget. :(
This is a good song
This is really quite good.
It has a metanetish quality to it. 4