A Mine Syndrome

Thumbnail of the map 'A Mine Syndrome'

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Author FailN
Tags agd author:failn gold lot mine mini unrated
Created 2009-12-28
Last Modified 2009-12-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Mine game with gold.
Enjoy it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Kulturroom' Thumbnail of the map 'Only a little storm' Thumbnail of the map 'A Cow Tail' Thumbnail of the map 'AHHHH!!!! FIRE!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Charlie C' Thumbnail of the map 'Freeway'
The Kulturroom Only a little storm A Cow Tail AHHHH!!!! FIRE!!!! The Charlie C Freeway


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Yeah, really.


is this a
