Think Fast

Thumbnail of the map 'Think Fast'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Arcringno
Tags action author:arcringno fun hard playable puzzle rated
Created 2010-01-02
Last Modified 2010-01-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Easy-layout map with 8 sections and possibly a few impossible places


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its a good map but it needs to be worked on :)
when u make a map make sure its possible be4 putting it on NUMA :D

Welcome to NUMA

to be honest this isnt a great first map its spammed and horrible the tiles are a bit week and there are loads of unwanted objects gonna give you a 2 wow my first bit of constructive critism


u can't finish map?


oh... kk picture not same :) as the actual thing.


i reckon u should think about the thwumps...
dunno but its to hard u should make theres no thwumps at side of wall where da door opener is :)

Welcome to Numa!

i must say thats a good map 4 a new numa user :)
u could improve this map it near impossible pretty some of it's absouloutly impossible but its a good map 4 a starter :D :)