Marufauna Low Times

Thumbnail of the map 'Marufauna Low Times'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author orangekraken
Tags author:orangekraken floating-tilesets-are-awesome rated
Created 2010-01-02
Last Modified 2010-01-02
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Furry. Leaff.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ARTorMADNESS' Thumbnail of the map 'Miffffffffffffffff' Thumbnail of the map 'Hokori (誇り)' Thumbnail of the map 'A Shipwreck, A Castaway' Thumbnail of the map 'The Dutch Version of Cheddar Gorge' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to Tiki Broler'
ARTorMADNESS Miffffffffffffffff Hokori (誇り) A Shipwreck, A Castaway The Dutch Version of Cheddar Gorge Welcome to Tiki Broler


Pages: (0)


Demo Data
I want to play it.

i really like

these maps. you guys make a good combo.


I just want to make some nice maps with awesome people on orangekraken. I don't care about diversification. Yeah, I said it.

Demo. AGD. If.

You know how it says diversify on the little profile thingy? Well DO SO.

Also, the trap door was a waste of space.
Demo Data


it just looks like a fancy tileset with some aesthetically pleasing objects thrown in.

I'd redo the objects in this map, personally. The tileset doesn't feel like it's being used effectively.

All gold demo.
Demo Data

Speed demo.
Demo Data

Died next to exit

would of been AGD lol
Demo Data
is typical furry, and I am not sure if I like it or not. My right eye tells me it looks good, my left tells me to rip it (the eye) out. I usually listen to my right eye. My left is always telling me to do painful things. :)




love it :)

Love that pic...

I will buy that sign.