confectionery tree

Thumbnail of the map 'confectionery tree'

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Author stormwind
Tags action author:stormwind epic unrated
Created 2010-01-10
Last Modified 2010-01-10
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is my third map in numa, i think this one is much better as the other maps, cause i spended a lot of time to create this map.
i give the map this name, cause when u play it, its like to jump from branch too branch.Also this map i guess is much harder than my first and second map.
ok hope u like my map a little bit
´good luck enjoy´ :D

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*disappointed :D

oh no

sry dont be disapointed, but im not mentally handicapped.
sry of my english, i´m a german teenager,and i have a 3 in english.xd
so dont expect anything of me and my english. :D


It's not good practice to act as though you're completely illiterate/mentally handicapped when trying to pull off the whole "newbie" thing. Just a heads up.

Welcome back, whoever you are.

"cause i spended a lot of time to create this map"


But yeah, pretty solid map. Enjoyable, as apse said. 3aved.


this was a pretty cool map. you have a lot of potential.

i have seen better tilesets of trees... here [] for an example...

but the gameplay was good... and you have really understood what makes a good map, except for the tiles :D