It always leaves a trail... of blood.

Thumbnail of the map 'It always leaves a trail... of blood.'

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Author FusionCoil
Tags action-race author:fusioncoil unrated
Created 2010-01-11
Last Modified 2010-01-13
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Uses It Always Leaves A Trail by miststalker06 -

( God I'm using alot of mist's tilesets =D )

Some race parts, some action parts, always awesome.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The great bridge race jump thing.' Thumbnail of the map 'Stabbathon' Thumbnail of the map 'Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your long hair!' Thumbnail of the map 'Its not a good idea to bungee near a demolition site...' Thumbnail of the map 'Nature always grows somehow, but it ain't gonna be pretty.' Thumbnail of the map 'Is there nobody out here?'
The great bridge race jump thing. Stabbathon Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your long hair! Its not a good idea to bungee near a demolition site... Nature always grows somehow, but it ain't gonna be pretty. Is there nobody out here?


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Cleared it of heaps of gold, apart from the top left, which kinda needed it. But Furry, what do you mean the objects let down the tileset? =(

The object placement let down the tileset a lot. With the gold, you just spread it around everywhere in totally unconnected patterns which weren't really fun to collect.
Most of it's relativly hard to get... I disagree with the enimies though. Theres a max of two on you at once.. not that hard. =)

And yes, a movie is coming. It invovles Harry Potter. =D

It's okay,

I'm glad they're being put to use :)
will there come one soon?
Too much enemies and too much gold. :S