Fogbeast [RESPAWNED]

Thumbnail of the map 'Fogbeast [RESPAWNED]'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ChrisE
Tags author:chrise palemoo rated
Created 2010-01-15
Last Modified 2010-01-15
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Inspired by PALEMOON.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'C5: PANIC button' Thumbnail of the map 'Dave's Basement' Thumbnail of the map 'I hear wedding bells.' Thumbnail of the map 'B1: Pawprint' Thumbnail of the map 'Proposal' Thumbnail of the map 'C2: The Tendril'
C5: PANIC button Dave's Basement I hear wedding bells. B1: Pawprint Proposal C2: The Tendril


Pages: (0)

I got the demo. But it seems as if I was far behind Chrdrenkmann. :(
Demo Data


i can see the PALEMOON in this. nice work.
they are very effective, but not too hard to dodge.

I do

really like the chainguns though.

I went too fast.

Demo Data
as a tileset.

It's still not bad though.


I don't think it's your favorite route here.
Demo Data
I will try this one, of course.