Postcards From Far Away

Thumbnail of the map 'Postcards From Far Away'

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Author ChrisE
Tags author:chrise shortandsweet unrated
Created 2010-01-21
Last Modified 2010-01-21
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Bear the names of those we lost on our travels.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Penguins Make Good Lovers' Thumbnail of the map 'Momentum' Thumbnail of the map 'Fine Motor Skill' Thumbnail of the map 'Not Another Bloody PALEMOON-inspired map...' Thumbnail of the map 'Violet Hill' Thumbnail of the map 'Life In Technicolor'
Penguins Make Good Lovers Momentum Fine Motor Skill Not Another Bloody PALEMOON-inspired map... Violet Hill Life In Technicolor


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Demo Data

As if.

Coldplay is the shizz!

Aaaaaanyway, back to the map. Gold was awesome, seeing that the only way to get it all was to fall down into that pit. That pit was coo' anyway because it had the exit key and all. The rocket was pretty cool too. It wasn't really that much of a challenge to get by though. Tiles were great, and they really suited the gameplay. Nice job.
Demo Data

I like it

specially the gold pattern.

Really cool!

I really like the placement of just about everything in this map. It's pretty flowy, and it's fun to collect the gold as well. I like the ending especially.

Faved. :D

Demo Data

absolutely cool.

and the queen is a biscuit.