Without You

Thumbnail of the map 'Without You'

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Author AMomentLikeThis
Tags author:amomentlikethis n-art unplayable unrated v1.4b
Created 2010-02-01
Last Modified 2010-02-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description N-Art.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Everything Feels Right 2' Thumbnail of the map '58-3 Oldschool' Thumbnail of the map '59-1 We're doing fine (we're doing nothing at all)' Thumbnail of the map '59-0' Thumbnail of the map '59-2 Watching the flashbacks intertwine' Thumbnail of the map 'Everything Feels Right 3'
Everything Feels Right 2 58-3 Oldschool 59-1 We're doing fine (we're doing nothing at all) 59-0 59-2 Watching the flashbacks intertwine Everything Feels Right 3


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...but I would like to finsh the collab next. ;D
I hope you're working on it.


I hope you like it.
N and the door/exit switch can be placed to other positions. ;D


...I'm starting our collab now.
(Also: My 500th map is up. I will beat you one day. :3)
You could like it. It has an episodic feel.
(Actually, 96-1 is cool too. I hope you will have a look at this map when it's submitted. :D)

Another question: Do you think we can make a collab? That would be awesome.

i dont get it...

what is it lol