Jimmy the Torso

Thumbnail of the map 'Jimmy the Torso'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Kaylab
Tags author:kaylab ded rated
Created 2010-02-07
Last Modified 2010-02-07
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Ded to Jimmy_The_Torso [] just for being one of the few hardcore fans I've met on NUMA.

I know some of you others like heavy stuff aswell, you may not know many people that like the genre you like on NUMA so if you ever need to talk to someone who shares your taste in music, you can always talk to me, and I'm sure Jimmy_The_Torso, and shortshift [] wouldn't mind sharing some recently found music with you.

It's nice to know out of a community of people who like very different things, simelarities can always be found. That was the foundation of this dedication map.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Just to feel the satisfaction of sliding down again' Thumbnail of the map 'Suiside Season' Thumbnail of the map 'Swing.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mysteries of Maths' Thumbnail of the map 'I try my best to, forgive and forget you.' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaos'
Just to feel the satisfaction of sliding down again Suiside Season Swing. Mysteries of Maths I try my best to, forgive and forget you. Chaos


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I love multi-path possible maps

Demo Data

You're a high five addict.


I have no explanation for either of the things you asked about. Someone else gave you the custom title and the ratings graph is an ongoing problem that will likely never be fixed.

NUMA Admin

Ohh Kaylab.

You should join my metal forums. I'll make you moderator if/when you join.

Caelitus [].

ok sprry im a noob

I dont know how to fave... sorry for triple post, and help would be appreciated lol

The map

is great, I love AGD based maps. Once again thanks for the ded, 5aved... my first faved actually, hope that doesnt make me seem self-centered lol


thanks for the DED, this is awsome, I'm about to play the map


Sub-700 might be possible with a very clean run and a good ending. (chimney to walljump to corner jump to door)
Demo Data

Faster AGD

screwed up the end a little.
Demo Data

Pretty decent AGD

I think?
Demo Data

Uhh Fraxtil?

Your demo comes up as 44 frames in NReality.

Alternative route
Demo Data

Faster! Ha!
Demo Data

that's okay man

the more the better

Fast AGD

Sorry for all the posts.
Demo Data


Demo Data

Incomplete A g D

Demo Data

Probably maxed

Demo Data