Jump 2a (hard)

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Author crappitrash
Tags author:crappitrash playable puzzle unrated
Created 2005-11-22
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Jump. This is less obvious. Let it suffice to say that you aren't supposed to jump off from that blounceblock. You will land about 2-3 tiles away from the door if you do.

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4-bit adder fixed Similarity 2 - Seeker drones Similarity 3 - Laser drones Similarity 4 - Thwumps Similarity 5 - Rocket launchers Firing Squad


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off the bounceblock. You have to perform a double-bounceblock-jump but not going up but going rightwards.

Demo Data


Demo Data


yes we need a demo


Demo please, before I rate