
Thumbnail of the map 'insideoutman'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author SkyRay
Tags author:skyray rated
Created 2010-03-03
Last Modified 2010-03-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description not playtested much, at all..

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Living Under a Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'Candy Hearts' Thumbnail of the map 'Puzzle Pixies' Thumbnail of the map 'Breathe' Thumbnail of the map 'Sea Monkeys' Thumbnail of the map 'Feasting on Jesus's Disciples'
Living Under a Rock Candy Hearts Puzzle Pixies Breathe Sea Monkeys Feasting on Jesus's Disciples


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really cool.
But the bottom tunnel could of really used a door, the laser was just too much of a blocker to get out of there without waiting for the laser to move.
realy hard to do but i like how this map looks
faved. play my latest?