Lord Vader

Thumbnail of the map 'Lord Vader'

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Author im_bad_at_N
Tags author:im_bad_at_n darthvader ibannart nart rated starwars vader
Created 2010-03-08
Last Modified 2010-07-25
by 31 people.
Map Data

Description "Only a Sith deals with absolutes." (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Guess we are all Sith then...

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Four Shots at Death' Thumbnail of the map 'What an awful world' Thumbnail of the map 'Sabrina' Thumbnail of the map 'Change of Heart' Thumbnail of the map 'Swinging on Thin Wires' Thumbnail of the map 'Force Crystals'
Four Shots at Death What an awful world Sabrina Change of Heart Swinging on Thin Wires Force Crystals


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I'm absolutely not a Sith!

I made a stencil

from this picture when I was at school...
you should have tried it with the shading and gradients...

Thanks everyone!

Jawbit, I was debating about adding something to help make the right eye, but I couldn't get it right =/

wow 5 for sure :)
5d from me as always bro

while it is very cool and dramatic looking, you could've added a leeeetle something to thhe left part. Just so you know that someone didn't smash a brick into the right side of his face.

I only used

information from the movies. So maybe that is what Dark Jedi are, but I don't know. =/

not your best but then again, i could do no better ;D 5aved
In all Six movies, there was no reference to any sort of person/alien that could use the force that did not choose the ways of the Sith or Jedi.

The Jedi make absolutes all the time. Even in that phrase: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." So no one else can? Its either one way or another? Inconsistency within themselves is what that is called.

Another thing that bothers me is that the Jedi often comment about how the Sith are blinded by the dark side of the force. But couldn't that be the same for the Jedi as well? Couldn't they be blinded by the light side of the force? Yoda certainly can: he is unable to glimpse the future because "the dark side clouds all." Very parallel to the fact that neither Palpatine or Vader could sense Yoda on Dagobah for years while Luke grew up from baby to mature adult.

Despite it all, the Jedi are MUCH like the Sith. Except they don't go stabbing each other in the back. Oh and supposedly they work for something called "good".

I don't like it.

The left side is made way too easy.
Just putting mines, mines, mines in the same order.
The rest of the N-Art looks bland and unfinished.

2/5. Sorry.


What Yoda was saying is that either you do something or you do not do something but that you should not assume the possibility of failure by simply saying, "I'll try."

It wasn't an inconsistency at all. Besides, lifting an X-wing out of a swamp and saying those who do not agree with you is your enemy are two different things.

"only a sith deals with absolutes" -Obi-wan
"Do, or do not. There is no try" - yoda

inconsistencies in MY star wars? it's more likely than you think.

it looks very cool.

im not bothered by all the mines, but i would have liked to see some shading around the left instead of just one shade of dark red and then white. but i still like it a lot :D

Yeah, sure, the left side looks a bit off because there's no hint of light and/or texture, but you nailed the right side. Grats.

Very cool

lotsa mines, as many can see!
However, as critisizm goes, the left eye looks a bit... odd.


My hands hurt after doing all those mines! I had to do it in intervals: Making a clear border around what was to be filled in completely with mines, saving the data, resting my hands, then reloading only the last page (on word) of objects. I did that twice and it also helped with the slight lag I was having too.
Now try filling the whole screen with mines.


No problem maxson

I appreciate constructive criticism. I plan/hope to make more with this style & any advice is welcome. =)

Thanks everyone else too! :D

Way to get the quote wrong.


I hate to be the guy to ruin your perfect-comment-streak so far, but I think the entire left side is simply too filled in; thus, it appears kind of messy. 3/5


I am your Father.


Wow, really great!

Boy am I glad I have internet at home now; otherwise I would have missed this epicness.






I love Star Wars. 5'd

Wow, nice
