
Thumbnail of the map 'Post-Modern'

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Author Jawbit
Tags action author:jawbit rated
Created 2010-03-11
Last Modified 2010-03-11
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Been a while since I used teleporters. It is not advisable to hold a directional key while traveling through the time-space continuum, as this may result in one or more of the following:

1. Floating off into the far reaches of the universe
2. Ceasing to exist
3. Banging your keyboard in frustration

Anyway, I quite like this one, RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'For All the Wrong Reasons' Thumbnail of the map 'The Least of Your Worries' Thumbnail of the map 'By a Thread' Thumbnail of the map 'Cloud 9' Thumbnail of the map 'The Last Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'Jest'
For All the Wrong Reasons The Least of Your Worries By a Thread Cloud 9 The Last Ninja Jest


Pages: (0)

Would you care to start, or should I?

AGD-1 Death

Demo Data

I really agree

with Aphex, The overall openness was nice, and I didn't have that huge of an issue with the teleporters. 5/5 from me. on a side note, thanks for the comment and rate on my latest map. ;)




This level feels like the matrix. Not inside the matrix, but the dark machine world that is the real world. Y'know?
Yeah. This is really cool. I like how your levels are twisting into a cinematic realm :D

Anyway, on a more n related note, the floorguard mechanics are awesome, as is the gold placement and door placement (the sheer noise of all four doors opening at once scared me the first time xD)

If that launchpad-teleporter were tweaked so you didn't fly out of the map (which I did two times in a row) this map would have been /perfection/.

Seriously good map. I'll complete it as soon as I stop disappearing off the face of the.. er.. map

like epigone said. But other than that, this map was very cool =)
Demo Data


Didn't time that perfectly. =/

Faved for later. Didn't have much time besides 2 or so demos. Played very fun so far. =)
Demo Data
This was neat. Just a little empty, but the floorguards provide some decent action. 3.5^
Demo Data
without the teleporters. I like the tileset.

I like teleporters

But I know (having worked with them) that they can be fine tuned to perfection. This one is not perfect, it does occasionally launch you off the map. Perhaps you can set it up in a better location, or perhaps you can fine tune it better. But it does work most of the time.