A map just for bots

Thumbnail of the map 'A map just for bots'

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Author fireburnsfree
Tags ... asdf author:fireburnsfree bots eff-em fbf rated
Created 2010-03-25
Last Modified 2010-03-25
by 31 people.
Map Data

Description ...if you like this message, rate this it!!!
I will delist this eventually, but until then, show your support...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sexual favors' Thumbnail of the map '00-0 Fuck' Thumbnail of the map '00-1 Fuck you, honey' Thumbnail of the map 'Wanna Play?' Thumbnail of the map 'Bubbles' Thumbnail of the map 'Deserted and destroyed Landscape'
Sexual favors 00-0 Fuck 00-1 Fuck you, honey Wanna Play? Bubbles Deserted and destroyed Landscape


silly imposters

sexiness is for bots


this is getting freaking confusing


oh dang

not the first spot anymore :P


Automated N User Map Archive. Look at the past front page messages.


int q = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < nmaps.size(); i++){
q = q + nmaps.size();
System.out.println("LOL again");

Comment bot,

That's what I wanted


just became reviewer! Southpaw may have done this...look at his profile!


anyone can use Comment_Bot now


I shall reveal my identity to one person.

What's the point?

The game's over. No point in having people guess at what they don't care about.
It seems like something he would do.


unlike DC shall not reveal my identity.

oh hai

i am comment bt. if you don't believe me, then just sign in as Comment_Bot using my username as the password.


Info bot and rate bot are also fake.


only acted on his idea.


am not Invalid (the user).

yes ferox.

time to go back to my alter ego...

lol invalid

i think he was talking about
"That's it! some dude should make a fake bot, and then pretend they're real ;D "


"If you do not" understand the concept of fun...


es fake!

Honest moderator

do not understand the concept of fun, then you shouldn't be on a web site devoted to one of the most fun games of all time.


That's srsly not me though. That's some whack dude.


I just got back on many zarking bots are there gonna be?! Dumbo_Bot I think is outright ridiculous but this whole thing is Please explain this mess.
is actually going on. i join romanic


I think that the point is that they are calling us inferior and they are the ones whom are mis-spelling and making grammatical errors. It is an irony thing, I think.


I believe

that all you bots should at least run your posts through a spell checker.


I am not Invalid.


While We fully encourage Our fundamentally flawed Human users to emulate the superior path of mechanized intelligence, for the sake of information and clear lines of communication only refer to the officially Sanctioned and Designated Artificial Intelligences, listed Here:
Any more Officially Designated bots will be noted and brought to your attention in the future.

Until then, We will continue to be amused by your mortal struggles and attempts to emulate those you perceive as gods. Thank you.
Any such imposters shall be terminated from the site. I hope this will deter you form any such action. We are only trying to make he NUMA experience more pleasurable for orgaincs, and posing as one of us could destroy the integtrity of the security we have established. Thank you.

well if the real

meaning of the bots is for the common good then I shall apologize.


this is a bit hasty, the only problem with the bots is we don't know yet where they came from.
don't be so quick to try get rid of them.
Find out a bit more, then decide
I predicted a full smile! Instead, only half-smile was a product of this map.

0.5/5 rounded up!

Also, it only isn't worthless cause I love to say Fuck you out loud.

I now will

have to speak to Admin_bot.

correction some

b i ot tches
the bots are now swarming me...I must now become the Terminator and murder some biatches...