Temple Knox

Thumbnail of the map 'Temple Knox'

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Author Sunset
Tags author:sunset knox puzzle temple unrated
Created 2010-03-27
Last Modified 2010-03-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description China temples

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Contact' Thumbnail of the map 'Sigmatic Alignment' Thumbnail of the map 'It must be high alone' Thumbnail of the map 'Defy the MASTER' Thumbnail of the map 'We'll kill a Priest.' Thumbnail of the map 'Easter Castle'
Contact Sigmatic Alignment It must be high alone Defy the MASTER We'll kill a Priest. Easter Castle


Pages: (0)

And I was like

damn, all the paths are blocked off.
Demo Data

This is genius

I really like your style even though it's extremely hard to complete your maps sometimes, especially when you're a noob like me.

We should do a mappack together some time.