hell DUCK, not hell RABBIT

Thumbnail of the map 'hell DUCK, not hell RABBIT'

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Tags author:avatar_fanatic duck hell not rabbit unrated
Created 2010-04-04
Last Modified 2010-04-04
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description for bluepretzel
if you're wondering: []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'wheels' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm the Muthaflippin' Thumbnail of the map '...sigh...' Thumbnail of the map 'Double-Crossed (oh, that's clever) ... -__-' Thumbnail of the map 'diamonds seem to be in' Thumbnail of the map 'diamonds seem to be in'
wheels I'm the Muthaflippin ...sigh... Double-Crossed (oh, that's clever) ... -__- diamonds seem to be in diamonds seem to be in


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Yeah, I noticed.

Once this school year is over, I'm comin' out of my shell to do some serious mapping before I go off to college.

Btw, I sent you a PM.

And (I don't know if you care, but I gotta shout it out) Homestar Runner came back with an april fools toon!


ohhhh i see. but no, they're teeth, not ears. lol

I noticed ;D

But I still wonder...
