
Thumbnail of the map 'Heytom'

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Author Sunset
Tags author:sunset mine-jumper puzzle rated
Created 2010-04-10
Last Modified 2010-04-10
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Heytom; Powered by thwumps.
EDIT: I made this easier.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Speakerphone' Thumbnail of the map 'Stranger than fiction, squibbles is.' Thumbnail of the map 'Celebrate' Thumbnail of the map 'I can go this far without stopping' Thumbnail of the map 'And I won't be comin'' Thumbnail of the map 'Houses'
Speakerphone Stranger than fiction, squibbles is. Celebrate I can go this far without stopping And I won't be comin' Houses


Pages: (0)

<3 mahi

i liked this

fireburnsfree's critique was not good at all.


If you didn't watch it, I guess you can't fix it now it's rated though
that's enough for me :)


Let me make this clear I love and envy Sun's tile abilities, but his gameplay and object placement ability is near rookie. He only needs to fix that and boom we have another toaster or lord_day. You need some fine tuning, and you will be more than well off. Trust me, it will come. But this is not even submittion worthy.

It was fun for me,

figuring it out is fun, even though it's hard. You guys are hammering him for saying it's not supposed to be fun? Play it and find out if it's fun or not :/


i get the point
I made incredibly awful maps for the better part of a year, before I got the hang of incredibly pretentious.
Because a map that isn't fun isn't good, period. A map can be both fun and hard-as-reinforced-steel-balls and still be fun.


Demo Data
figured out the puzzle, if you intended this. A full run-through would take me a little while longer

Hey man.

Don't feel bad. Everyone was new here once. You've made a lot of maps in a short time, and perhaps you should slow down a little and focus on really making the maps you make perfect. It can take a long time to become a good mapper and get a feel for what works and what doesn't. Almost all of the best mappers out there made awful maps to start with, so don't give up D:

< sunsad> it's not supposed to be fun
< sunsad> it's supposed to be a challenge

Dude, if I want a challenge, I'll do my homework.

Lovely puzzle

demo in a bit.
{10:49pm} Sunsad: it's not supposed to be fun.
{10:49pm} Sunsad: its supposed to be a challenge.


Maps are supposed to be fun. The challenge part should come naturally with that. After making so much maps, I'd figure you'd be able to achieve that.

Your map

isn't the only 3-hour map receiving hate :p

Do I start with the bad aestetics? Or with the overuse of mines where tiles would have sufficed? Or the fact that this was more of a challenge than an enjoyment? I say in asking the questions I made my point. Dude, I know you can do better...1 I'm sorry. This is "very poor".


this is fucking hard man
Demo Data

My god

Sunset: The master of jumpers
can you even beat this sunset? lol i would love to see a demo :P


why is it SOOO hard xD