109-1: Fucked Feelings

Thumbnail of the map '109-1: Fucked Feelings'

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Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags 109-1 author:chrdrenkmann episode playable rated series
Created 2010-04-10
Last Modified 2011-06-06
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Yay.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '108-0: Hard To Handle Two Collabs At The Same Time' Thumbnail of the map '108-1: Wanna Collect Me!?' Thumbnail of the map '108-2: Let's Hop On Your Balls' Thumbnail of the map '108-3: Responsibility' Thumbnail of the map '108-4: Jericho' Thumbnail of the map '109-0: Sunshine After A Rainy Day'
108-0: Hard To Handle Two Collabs At The Same Time 108-1: Wanna Collect Me!? 108-2: Let's Hop On Your Balls 108-3: Responsibility 108-4: Jericho 109-0: Sunshine After A Rainy Day


Pages: (0)


Could we forgot this, please? :P
I miscalculated myself, that's all.

@palemoon - see him again in like two weeks?

that was too generous, he lasted 4 days.

Bad Sport
I'm scared I'll get no rates and then throw a massive tantrum and leave NUMA.

And then come back after 4 days.


see you again in like 2 weeks


I don't have a single rated map and have sought out the council of the forums, and am just making headway into this place. I try to keep things diverse, and I add maps regularly. I had a moment of wanting to leave, and then it passed. Thing is, I didn't have a shit-fit over it. Life's too weird and short and fucked up to waste time on a time wasting thing as is, don't make it any harder to enjoy.


That's not the only reason.
I have no time and interest for making new maps.
i used to get zero attention, and am only now leveling out to about 3 rates per map. to have a featured map is like a pipe dream for me right now. i admit its frustrating but still, you got more going for you than you think.
Pretty useless reason to leave. I agree w/ Seneschal.


...good thing that all of you read at the last time.

*constantly getting

Please fill in the body of your comment.

I'll admit

That getting bad ratings and receiving no attention for your maps can be pretty discouraging, but like others have said, you probably get more attention than many people, and are just making it sound like more of a problem than it really is.
I got better.

Pick yourself up or lose a dedicated fan. Now.

To me

It sounds like you are mapping for the ratings and attention, rather than for mapping itself. In my opinion, mapping should be for the fun, not the ratings. Besides,even if your maps don't get attention right away, it doesn't mean they never will...

Anyways, to me, leaving because "your maps don't get as much attention as some other people" has always been a stupid reason... =/ I mean, why even care so much about it? It is just a game and a website...

oh, come on.

I always liked you, but this is ridiculous. sorry :s
I have to agree with Seneschal, your moaning for attention is really getting annoying. Try to get okay with getting less than 5 rates on every single map you submit now and then and work on your ned skills.


Oh, you.

For fuck's sake.

I'm getting tired of you repeating yourself over and over again and throwing the same tantrum every few maps. You actually get /more/ attention than the average user (you have an average of three rates per map and a *featured map* for crying out loud, which I imagine many people would kill for) but you're the only person who throws a hissy fit over the lack of attention you think you "deserve". It's natural to feel jealous of people who get more attention, more features, more praise, but that's because they've /earned/ it. If you want that kind of attention, you need to actually improve your mapmaking instead of spewing out endless column maps at a stupidly fast rate. Basically, if you want to get more attention that badly, then you need to actually work for it rather than mope about feeling sorry for yourself, it's pathetic.

If you really don't enjoy it here, feel free to leave, but please don't clog up hotmaps with these pitiful attempts at attention-seeking.



me 2.


and I only have 2 featured maps. and i'm still around.

wait, hold on!

you HAD a rating catastrophe, you WERE jealous, what the hell does that mean now? also, unrated maps don't mean jack-shit! look at Wizard2, most of his recent maps have less than 2 rates, yet he's going strong. cmon, man, thats lame really.
i wanna leave this shithole.



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