Wash Away

Thumbnail of the map 'Wash Away'

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Author Oleary15
Tags action author:oleary15 fun highscore speed unrated yes
Created 2010-04-15
Last Modified 2010-04-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description RCE, very pleased with the tileset, gameplay isnt the worst.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cheese Grind' Thumbnail of the map 'Rock Tunnel' Thumbnail of the map 'Going to heaven' Thumbnail of the map 'Midnight' Thumbnail of the map 'Whale tail' Thumbnail of the map 'Snake Dance'
Cheese Grind Rock Tunnel Going to heaven Midnight Whale tail Snake Dance


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nice tileset

the map could be a little bit more organized ;p

definitely better

very good, 4/5
The thwump bit was pretty sneaky, the gold was good, the only thing that stands out is the tileset being a little odd, but it's good how non-linear it is in the big central area.
Demo Data

Thanks dude :p

you're getting better at mapping!