No Way Out

Thumbnail of the map 'No Way Out'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Kaylab
Tags andifyouwantityoucanhaveitbaby author:kaylab rated
Created 2010-04-20
Last Modified 2010-04-20
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Haha this is weird, nothing like my usual maps D:
Infact it's not really even my style except for those four things on the outside.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Glacier' Thumbnail of the map 'EMP' Thumbnail of the map 'This Is Madness - 300th map' Thumbnail of the map 'Alexisonfire' Thumbnail of the map 'Same.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Devil Wears Prada.'
Glacier EMP This Is Madness - 300th map Alexisonfire Same. The Devil Wears Prada.


Pages: (0)

I love that 1tile 2tile and 3tile combo you do.

Slow AGD

This was really fun. The rocket is placed excellently to harass you over both sides of the map.
Demo Data


I love the maps including golds that grant extra challenge.

Sub-800 AGD (also on nreality) :
Demo Data

Faster Agd and 5/5 ^^
Demo Data


one thousand 100 frames.


Demo Data