Loving is forgiving

Thumbnail of the map 'Loving is forgiving'

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Author blue_desert
Tags author:blue_desert rated
Created 2010-04-26
Last Modified 2010-04-26
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description First map submitted to NUMA, I hope you all enjoy it.
Quick question, how is it supposed to be put "NUMA, numa, or Numa"?


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Flag = prophet

That's where or Metanet's IRC channel come in. :D

(Unless you actually are fireburnsfree, in which case I've already collab'd with you >:|)

Like, a map.

Ya know.

Its okay.

Got to the point where it was annoying (that 3 gold in the little chamber). Remove that and this woulda been a solid map. As is, its only okay.

Demo Data


and welcome to NUMA! enjoy your time here
Care less, and ultimately the results will be better.

I wouldn't worry

it'll take you a while to find a style that hasn't been done ( and I'm not even sure it's entirely possible these days).

Everything will hark back to something (as with any art), If you worry too much about that you're just going to limit yourself or strive too hard and miss the point.



maps and it does...that's not good...I mean don't get me wrong his/her maps aren't awful but I want to be my own person. Oh well I guess I will just have to keep mapping.


I feel that, maxson.

What the fuck.

This isn't me.

Welcome to NUMA

I doubt it's your first (We all do, that's just how it works here; initially good mappers are suspected of multiaccounting) but it's a pretty solid map overall. I felt that the gausses were overpowering and there was not much replay value imo. Welcome to NUMA, keep mapping. I'll keep my eye on you, etc. . . 2.5

Thank you Teanose

I'm working on my second map, I love it, I hope you guys will enjoy it as well. :D

Feel my pain!

Ha ha, really good map. I don't take notice of the fact that this is your first map. Why shouldn't it be? Because it's good? I say it's awesome. Hard to be dodging those gausses, though. :3 4/5, says I!
Demo Data


A rather generic attempt at the art-house style, imo. There's nothing here to get too excited about.

Lacks atmosphere, personality, inspired play... all the great stuff.

Welcome to NUMA. :p

Very well done.

Great first (first?) map. I'll be keeping eye on you, like others. 4/5.

What about name - I say NUMA. It doesn't matter, it's at least "numa". :D
welcome to, as I say, NUMA! :)

Hey mintnut,

did you just accuse me of being furry_ant...if so I am extremly flattered.


it's not even clever.

Great for a first.

I'll agree with fireburnsfree about the gausses. I'm going to say 3/5, and I'll be keeping an eye on you...

As for the name, it can be said any way, I should think. I say Numa, though.


reminiscent of another mapper of whom I cannot remember. Good for a first. Like Fireburnsfree, I will be keeping an eye on you. 4aved

it's just "numa". also, welcome! this is pretty well-made for a first. :)


This is your first map?
Damn, I liked this. I will be keeping my eye on you. Some tips though, it felt a tad cluttered/constricted whe faced with the gausses. But other than that nice. 3