That 1 Kid With Special Needs

Thumbnail of the map 'That 1 Kid With Special Needs'

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Author Invalid
Tags author:invalid playable race unrated
Created 2010-05-01
Last Modified 2010-05-01
Map Data

Description i leik craayonzs

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This Could Have Prevented' Thumbnail of the map 'Steam' Thumbnail of the map '01-1 Flying Fortress' Thumbnail of the map 'Malignat Cell' Thumbnail of the map 'Tarboy' Thumbnail of the map 'I Steal Your Cheese'
This Could Have Prevented Steam 01-1 Flying Fortress Malignat Cell Tarboy I Steal Your Cheese


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this race

has a complete different look to it

Ohh. FAIL.

Wrong demo. Then I achieve this in Ned, which I was trying to achieve for ages in Nreality. I am angry. Good night.
Demo Data

Not bad

But I hate this part (see demo)
Going too fast causes death, which should never happen in a race. Remember this.
Demo Data


Hey, you should check back on my map for speedrun data. There's more than one exit in it ;D []

Also, could you please rate it? I rarely get any rates anymore... :'(
If you could, I'd appreciate it.


That account that you ran across is not registered, so I can't/don't use it. Its simply there for the 'BluePretzel_Highscore' status upon highscoring.
I'm just letting you know now, before you go off thinking that I'm multi-accounting, or using it for rating reasons or something like that.
You've probably realised this, I'm just making sure. I don't want to get in trouble for it.
(PS: its not called 'BluePretzel' because I made this account on my old laptop's hard drive. It stuffed up, so the registered highscore username 'BluePretzel' was lost. As seen on my profile)



I actually followed the race.
Demo Data

now say that...

but mention my name so i can quote it =D
gonna be better than my previous one =p

that's not a cheat


its very organized

really hard to find the flow, but i liked this race alot.

thme crayzowz

be kzliing meo!":?

also i recorded the demo but i did tab q D:
you said no cheats.


Demo Data


mess up one jump
Demo Data