00-2 dead end to heaven

Thumbnail of the map '00-2 dead end to heaven'

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Author the_me
Tags action author:the_me fun garthel unrated
Created 2010-05-21
Last Modified 2010-06-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this one is different

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'racing the reality' Thumbnail of the map 'over-underground' Thumbnail of the map 'Sky Citadel' Thumbnail of the map 'Tadpole Chasing' Thumbnail of the map '00-0 Escaping Hell' Thumbnail of the map '00-1 entering heaven'
racing the reality over-underground Sky Citadel Tadpole Chasing 00-0 Escaping Hell 00-1 entering heaven


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Raaaaaah i've get all the gold but the come back is too hard and stressfull :)


i drew it.
nreality beat by like 500+ frames :P
Demo Data

Route 42

Felt like there should have been something more...