Beasted My First Two Finals

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Tags author:avatar_fanatic finals unrated
Created 2010-06-04
Last Modified 2010-06-04
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Can I get a high-five??? (please post high-five's in the comments =D)
So yeah, I decided to come on NUMA since it's the weekend. I had my eyes closed. That's why the tiles look like shit, but the gameplay's pretty good (well, i think so).
So, Njoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Herro, Wercome to Shitty Wok. Take Your Order Prease.' Thumbnail of the map 'Origins' Thumbnail of the map 'Fetal Pigs!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Let Me Take You Down' Thumbnail of the map 'And In The Dark, I could Hear Your Heart Beat' Thumbnail of the map 'Smeyesing'
Herro, Wercome to Shitty Wok. Take Your Order Prease. Origins Fetal Pigs!!! Let Me Take You Down And In The Dark, I could Hear Your Heart Beat Smeyesing


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algebra 2 next year <3<3


This actually does play pretty well
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Worst AGD Ever

Demo Data

french ugh

yeah but i beasted my history/science/math finals!

and math = geometry (in 8th grade!)


now i just have french, bio, and history....meh


that sucks. well, at least you didn't fail.


i would've had an A+ on my English one but i messed up the bubbling on the scantron and i got a C-. ;__;