
Thumbnail of the map 'Antlers'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets goldfest rated
Created 2010-06-05
Last Modified 2020-07-30
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I may do multiple versions of this, enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '(Ninja) In Hammersmith Palais' Thumbnail of the map 'grossé' Thumbnail of the map 'charlie got molested' Thumbnail of the map 'keep the lights onnnnnn' Thumbnail of the map 'Life In Marvelous Times' Thumbnail of the map 'Loser Parades'
(Ninja) In Hammersmith Palais grossé charlie got molested keep the lights onnnnnn Life In Marvelous Times Loser Parades


Pages: (0)

yeah man

I'm really cool if I complete the challenge




i played it in debug and the chainguns suddenly appeared. in userlevels it didn't work for some reason o_O.
it's not a waltz haha..


you should put a drone in that middle gold area, maybe a seeker. that way it's not just a waltz.


Demo Data


that rocket
Demo Data


Demo Data

the center gold is the most epic and fun gold I've seen in a while, great map
Demo Data

Gold line

looks cool, and I'm not sure how well it goes with the map, since I can't get anything on the new computer till monday... Well, check your maps monday and I'll be with a comment of actual meaning! In the mean time, I'll be on the record to say I loves that gold line.

I for one

liked the chaingun section


not your best. 3/5
ridiculous, but provide a bunch of fun.
Didn't record it. Silly me. >_>



My face went from

:) to D: when I saw the chainguns
you might wanna remember AGD isn't a requirement, but getting the middle band at least is a cool challenge, or all the rest of the gold, or the whole thing, it's all fun.


the centre with the gold line was a torture. otherwise very good indeed. 3.6.