Comments on "guerrilla"

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A lot of fun

Demo Data

Agree with Destiny.



yet not. cool map


The only thing i can complain about is that the laser becomes to great an obstacle in the final section. Apart from that, this is pure brilliance.
Soz to disappoint, but my warning concept was fresh thought before I even saw sky's. I'm pretty sure it's not that exclusive, even more so that it's been done before. ;)


Demo Data
The structure was absolutely excellent, reminded me of when you go behind the scenes in portal and are driven along a linear path without feeling bereft of options.


love how everyone copied Skyray's warning concept. This map was cool.

Agreed with Atob.

slightly edited

i moved the 5 tiles in the thwump shaft one tile up, allowing you to chimney past them more easily, and moved the exit terminal and the gold surrounding it down by half a snap
i will edit the thwump shaft though, you're right.

Nice concept.

But it felt far too awkward in places. The thwump shaft was pointlessly tricky, and the exit terminal felt frustrating.

The rest was good. Nice use of traps.

That thwump

scared the hell out of me.




i like how the intensity increased as you moved on. pretty linear though.

This map has sex

Mmm, enjoyable