Chains of madness

Thumbnail of the map 'Chains of madness'

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Author ninja_matt
Tags author:ninja_matt easy unrated
Created 2010-07-02
Last Modified 2010-07-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description yeah, try to go real fast =)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Speed or AGD?' Thumbnail of the map 'Triple bbj' Thumbnail of the map 'Another small map' Thumbnail of the map 'Another small map V1.2' Thumbnail of the map 'A medium map' Thumbnail of the map 'Guass simple challenge'
Speed or AGD? Triple bbj Another small map Another small map V1.2 A medium map Guass simple challenge


Pages: (0)

Improved demo

Fun maP :D
Demo Data

If that chainguns were zap drones, it would be a challenge. But i see it's not the concept.
Demo Data

Demo Data


nreality, busted yer head with my demo.
Demo Data
i guess
Demo Data

Kinda boring

Demo Data

3 for this.

Try something else with a little more challenge ;)

The left is ok

but the chains seem kinda pointless they wouldn't ever kill you and if their just for show lasers would be cooler. With regards to [] There are links to simpler versions which don't lag in the description.


Demo Data


tried your level.3
Demo Data


do you make a link where you can't see the address like in your profile.

Demo Data