
Thumbnail of the map 'Nitrous'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mythrhythm
Tags author:mythrhythm diminishedd6 rated tits tts
Created 2010-07-15
Last Modified 2010-07-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Blue Pretzel came all up in my grill askin me to make a tree map so I did dawg and I DIN'T use any atob trees and shit. YO DIMINISHED THIS IS FOR YOU.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Skiddy Bop' Thumbnail of the map 'Pesky Trees' Thumbnail of the map 'Between Monsters and Underground,' Thumbnail of the map 'Teh Speedy Gonzales Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'We don't need no Force Control' Thumbnail of the map 'Hope You're Feelin' Better.'
Skiddy Bop Pesky Trees Between Monsters and Underground, Teh Speedy Gonzales Challenge We don't need no Force Control Hope You're Feelin' Better.


Pages: (0)

Thanks man

'appreciate the love.


I'll admit that is a tricky part, but there is something you can do about it.

Demo Data

but yo used half a furreh tree dawg.

Faster AGD.

Demo Data

I just

had to cheat it.

I died so many times getting the exit key. that was very mean of you to do that.
Demo Data

fucking amazing
Somewhere between 1:50 and 1:55


Thanks man :)