
Thumbnail of the map 'Inscription'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author capnshazmo
Tags action author:capnshazmo flowish rated
Created 2010-07-17
Last Modified 2010-07-17
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description My official Returning-Map. Many of you may not know me, but a few select of you (hopefully) will.

If you don't know me, feel free to check out some of my maps :D but be warned: some are extremely hard...

I have a lot of catching up to do.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Buildings Buried in Boo' Thumbnail of the map 'Righteous' Thumbnail of the map 'Needs more Cinnamin Rolls' Thumbnail of the map 'Teh Uber Massive Mass Klabration' Thumbnail of the map 'Fool's .... Orb' Thumbnail of the map 'Crabular Voodoo Box'
Buildings Buried in Boo Righteous Needs more Cinnamin Rolls Teh Uber Massive Mass Klabration Fool's .... Orb Crabular Voodoo Box


Pages: (0)

wow i dont remember that at all haha

Love the tiles

Hated the laser. It really got in the way :/
Demo Data




puzzles are meant to be challenging. Sometimes irritating, too.

Intended Route Agd

For all you people like "wtf trap doors."

In my opinion the funnerest way.
Demo Data
Are gold the new mines?

Or is mcky just weird?

NGD -1

You can get -1 gold? OMG :D


YOU! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

NGD -1

;-; slow demo...
Demo Data

Welcome back.

Thanks for the demo. All my maps need love, ha.


Welcome Back

Thanks Bro!

How fortunate it is for you to get my map as a random :).

I'm pleased

All three of my random maps for the day have all been enjoyable, but I think yours is the best. It has a consistent design, great enemy placement, some interesting challenges... it is just a great map.
Welcome back.


Demo Data

What a coincidence

I remember you too :)

i remember u

because of the massive collab
But nice demo =).

I remember you.


But I love it :D 4.5/5^^^
Demo Data