Castlevania 4 Level 21: Servant of the Master

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Author WordBlamCreator
Tags action author:wordblamcreator concept cv4 hard unrated wbc
Created 2010-07-19
Last Modified 2010-07-19
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Nathan trudged through the hallway, his ankles still aching from the unexpected trapdoor.

"Ah well, could have been worse I suppose," he thought.

"Nathan Belmont?" Asked a hallow emotionless voice in front of him.

Nathan's eyes shot up, it was the woman who had been 'gunned' down. "umm... Shannon? right?" He asked uncertain as to her name.

"Shanoa," she corrected.

"Right. So, why are you here?"

"To help clear our the other rooms, this castle is too large for one person to cover." Her logic was sound.

"Ok..." There was a silence in the air which Nathan was unable to part. "Well I'll go this way and see you later then..."

Yay more CV4, anyway I've started work on the Dracula battle as well as your battle with Death. Anyway I would like plent of demos, comment, and ratings. Also I responded to the comments on the last CV4 map.

Also, the shaft to the far right, I'm thinking of using the concept for the Clock Tower. What do you guys think?

Other maps by this author

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Castlevania 4 Level 16: Beneath the Santuary Castlevania 4 Level 17: Approach of the Devil Castlevania 4 Level 18: Angered Eyes Castlevania 4 Level 19: Aquaduct of Dispare Castlevania 4 Level 20: Unexpected Wishes Glitch Survival


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That 'clock tower' bit was hard. Fun tho.
The rest of the map was pretty high grade too. Deserving of a 4/5