
Thumbnail of the map 'Painkillers'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author im_bad_at_N
Tags author:im_bad_at_n headache nreality survival unrated
Created 2010-08-03
Last Modified 2010-08-04
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data



Nothing new, but it comes together great. 8-D

Bonus frames:
Gold - 5 points each, 10 points each if grabbed heading up.
Rocket - 15 points each time it crashes into the tiles.
Bouncies - 10 points each time you hit it and you are still alive 10 frames later.

Have Fun!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rejoice' Thumbnail of the map 'Skullfish' Thumbnail of the map 'Air Base' Thumbnail of the map 'Awful Thursday' Thumbnail of the map 'Havoc and Chaos' Thumbnail of the map 'Threesome'
Rejoice Skullfish Air Base Awful Thursday Havoc and Chaos Threesome


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since falling out of the screen doesn't count as death.
Demo Data


Nice ;)


When I hit that bounceblock I almost shouted WTH! 5aved

oh dear

i feel like such a fool...
point very well, what I meant to say was, 8000 frames and still going.
Demo Data
Because you cant read it's Nreality!

I gotta make that clearer, but I thought it was clear enough.


still surviving.
Demo Data


It's 675, you got four gold. ;)

Here I got 8 gold, 1 going up, 7 down. My score was 1057 :D
Demo Data


You can pretty much settle on to the bounceblock and then just sitthere and jump sometime. So patteriffic.

Nice work

with the Nreality stuff.
HOWEVER, I would have prefered that at the start, one of the launchpads moved under your starting position... it feels a bit forcefull always needing to start your run at the left when you spawn from the middle.
pretty cool
Demo Data

Oh yeah!

Highest score will get a dedication :)