
Thumbnail of the map 'Tetris'

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Author DarkDemon
Tags author:darkdemon easy fun gauss rocket unrated
Created 2010-08-04
Last Modified 2010-08-04
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Another game based level, though this time its tetris. The hardest element of this map is the fact that the rosckets and gauss shots can go through the "tetris" blocks.Over all, not a very hard map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Passage' Thumbnail of the map 'Rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'Topsy Turvy' Thumbnail of the map 'Choices' Thumbnail of the map 'Jumpy' Thumbnail of the map 'Guitar Hero'
Passage Rooms Topsy Turvy Choices Jumpy Guitar Hero


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ewery map of yours is spamed..
I mean whats with those mines and the gold in those one way block thingies.. useles..
and one rocket and one gaus does the trick because they end up as one annywat if you put it like this specialy if their in the same place..
and put some gold to collect (if you duno where to put the gold then just spread it out randomly or something)
I'm sorry but it is just bearly a 2/5 from me..