Iron and Concrete

Thumbnail of the map 'Iron and Concrete'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Njitsu
Tags author:njitsu tasty unrated
Created 2010-08-16
Last Modified 2010-08-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description rce

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'transylvania' Thumbnail of the map 'Enchanted Forest' Thumbnail of the map '-[1]- shipwrecked' Thumbnail of the map '20,000 leagues under the sea' Thumbnail of the map '-[2]- sunken city' Thumbnail of the map '-[3]- uss kennedy, destroyer'
transylvania Enchanted Forest -[1]- shipwrecked 20,000 leagues under the sea -[2]- sunken city -[3]- uss kennedy, destroyer


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There are always links...
The initial thread [], if you want general information about the pack, go here. It's been abandoned for a while now though, we've got our own subforum. But if you want some info you can look here. Some rules have been altered, but the general idea is there.

Sidke [], one of the guys in charge, he probably has most to say and you want to pm him for any additional information and questions about joining.

ChaoStar [], admin number two, you can ask him as well if you want to. just in case you have developed a phobia for sidke A.K.A maki throughout the years.... Kiddin' ;)
He's the one that started it all. So maybe you want to ask him about joining.

The last admin is KlanKaos, but he is inactive for months now, no one knows what happened to him :O
But let's stay serious now, these links will hopefully provide everything you need.

Sexy map.
Demo Data

fun map

but my computer is lagging so hard i cant enjoy it properly