All Conceptual 2

Thumbnail of the map 'All Conceptual 2'

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Author miststalker06
Tags author:miststalker06 concept rated
Created 2010-08-17
Last Modified 2010-08-17
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Gongzel!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Number Two' Thumbnail of the map 'Filaaah!' Thumbnail of the map '03-0 Koffee' Thumbnail of the map 'All Conceptual' Thumbnail of the map '03-1 Katastrophe' Thumbnail of the map 'Oppression, Foul Thang'
Number Two Filaaah! 03-0 Koffee All Conceptual 03-1 Katastrophe Oppression, Foul Thang


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I bumped it up to a 4. (:
Awesome, the doors were cool.
Demo Data


rated 5 to offset the snipe yo! you got a 3.


The doors have to be hit correctly to have one smooth jump. Once, I got stuck between a locked and a trap door and I was jumping back and forth to get past that mechanism. Interesting though.
Demo Data

those doors

are cool
Demo Data


you want to collab I have and plan

pretty good map, and that concept needs a little work, but cool overall
Demo Data


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