Hypothesis: OUT NOW!

Thumbnail of the map 'Hypothesis: OUT NOW!'

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Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags author:chrdrenkmann hypothesis out-now unrated
Created 2010-08-19
Last Modified 2010-08-19
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I've changed my plan a bit.
My map pack "Hypothesis" (50 maps) is finally finished and can be played now.

I'm too stupid to post a link which works ("The requested topic doesn't exist.", lolol.) but you can find the pack on

A map pack account will follow. I'll upload a Hypothesis map every day.

Besides that, my decision with this account still stands. No maps until I've submitted all Hypothesis maps on NUMA.

That was all. Play the pack, you greedy bastards!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '125-0: Yo! Yo! Yokohama!' Thumbnail of the map '125-1: Ninjas Don't Use Ladders' Thumbnail of the map '125-2: Beautiful Avignon' Thumbnail of the map '125-3: Product Placement' Thumbnail of the map '125-4: Nights Peak' Thumbnail of the map '126-0: Hang Me Up To Dry'
125-0: Yo! Yo! Yokohama! 125-1: Ninjas Don't Use Ladders 125-2: Beautiful Avignon 125-3: Product Placement 125-4: Nights Peak 126-0: Hang Me Up To Dry


Pages: (0)

aber bei collabs ist es leider immer so, dass nur einer des feature einsahnen kann xD der andere geht wohl oder übel fast leer aus. :/
naja.. :D ich freu mich

Oh, I meant

Headache entries...

shit :(

at the moment everybody will be watching and commenting and speaking how awesome, brilliant, outstanding and amazing they are :(

I think I'll submit the map yet later, but today nonetheless...


I'll submit it in the evening, so everybody can see it. :D


Cool tiles, I changed them a bit and added some objects. []


Cool account name, although "Hypothesis" would have been easier to remember. :P

Sure, go on.
A daily simplicity portion from Chrdrenkmann comes back. :)

So, what's with our collab, man?
Demo Data

lol no, I don't understand the reason behind a mappack, so I don't bother, I rather post my maps right away :]

no problem

4/5. i'm glad you didn't leave NUMA


if you have some free time, please check out my latest map :D


I always make this mistake.

the map was decent

i liked collecting the gold
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Full-view works again. I'm so lucky. :P


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