
Thumbnail of the map 'Patience'

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Author BuddyLee
Tags action author:buddylee playable rated
Created 2005-12-03
Last Modified 2005-12-12
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Medium difficulty; I appologize, hardest part is at the end. Feel free to rate or leave demos


Pages: (0)

Pretty cool

Quite puzzley at times. Enjoyable.

Demo Data

Wont rate

Wont rate until shokwave shuts up.

better spoiler demo

ok this one seems to be working
Demo Data

One *spoiler* demo

When i watch though, the demo seems to die at the start half the time.. just to show its possible to do very quickly
Demo Data
The third is so the laser guard will go down into that hole.

wont rate

until i find out how the hell you pass the laser drone the second time round.